museum show

Honorable Ordinaries: with/without

Honarable Ordinaries: ruffle(d)

Honorable Ordinaries: box pleats

Honorable Ordinaries
Grand Rapids Art Museum

Nollette’s installation with/without is comprised of rows of chevrons in a decorative pattern that covers a long expanse of street-level windows. The viewer’s range of vision is influenced or obstructed by the pervasive shapes, allowing the choice to either look at them or through them. This idea of duality is also present in the symbolism of the chevron. The chevron is an angled shape that references the roof of a house, and historically served as an honorable ordinary that symbolized protection….For Nollette, the chevron’s dual connotation of private home life and public service echoes the grid’s presence in domestic craft and art.

– Cindy M. Bucker, Associate Curator, Grand Rapids Art Museum

Maureen Nollette’s work…elevates ordinary materials into a quiet strength that speaks to women’s work and forces the viewer to notice their value.

This show, about women’s roles and women’s work and the honor and recognition they deserve but so rarely get, asks to be noticed.

—Holly Bechiri, editor in chief at cultured.GR